Friday, January 1, 2010

blind blogging

So this evening you're going to have to have patience with me. Cant' sleep and dont' have the contacts in so probably will have numerous errors since I cn'at see what I'm typoing.
Went to bed about an hour and a half ago.... cant' sleep, so what else is new....I"m calm, relaxed,etc,,,, but just can't get the mind to shut the fuck up.... it's been my story since high school. Guess it won't be any diffferent now.. I've got my e3yes closed now, this should be interesting to read tomorrow.
Had a lovely new years day... brunch at Lynns house... lovely.... no hair of the dog, just carbs dn fat... instandt new years eve recovery method.
I had a great evening last night, but didn't see my kdis. Did leave messages with them,,, did get messages from them.... happy they are all doing OK.. saw a beautiful pic of my grnadpup... mindight on new years asleep like a babyl
What the f is on my mind that I just can't sleep. I'm sick of takin g,eeping pills to rest... I hte sleeping lat on weekends ( like till 2 PM) tht sucks fore jon and me. It's a shame I an never figure out my insomnia... it's not the cancer... I[ve had this issue since hight shcool.
Jon said I talked to him lsat night till 4 AM, don't remember the converstation.. I asked if I cried, he said yes, I asked if I was a pain in the ass, he said no, but he really didn't say what I was talking about.
I was missing my mom earliy in th e evening, couldn't get her out of my inind. I miss her so much.... but no one can replace her for me adn I know that's ow it is.
I'bve been feeling kind of strange in my abdomen lately, less appitite too.. probably just psycho stuff from being off chemo and knowing I had a spread. It's fuuny how your psychological status can effect these physical signs.
Tomorrow I plan a big day. I'm off to the verizon store to get a new phone so I can text.... my kids have recommended this... then to pier one to pick up some new rice bowls....somehow two of them are gone... Funny Idont[ remember breaking one,,,,,jon said he broke one... but theyr' y favorid and don[t have to be expensive.. so pier one is near the verizon place....then oil change and gtire rotation for back to work , just to be sare.
well,dont' really have much hesle tosay. hope the sleeper (the second half) works oow, I hate having to take them.. pisses me off to no end, but, such is life.

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