Sunday, January 3, 2010

I love Sundays

Sundays are my favorite day of the week. Many of them, especially during the winter, I don't even leave the house, like today.... cept when I went to move cars outside and my finger actually turned into icicles!! It's boiling in my house though.... people tend to like to be warmer than me.
So, today was cool. Slept till like 1:30, then got up and had breakfast with the hubster and tried to read some of the newspaper..... didn't get much of that done... got involved with small cleaning projects, like getting rid of all the pens that no longer work and throwing out all the pencils who's erasers had hardened and no longer erase. (if you are a novice crossword person like me, you'll know and appreciate why I did that)
I made a Carolina pulled pork in the slow cooker, Jon got it together since I overslept, yet again..... we cooked it on high for 6 hours..... it was good but would have been better on low for like 10 hours I think.
Watched football part of the day. Hard to watch our Team (NY Giants) go into the quicksand and die. Jet's are doing well, even as we speak.
I sleep very badly on Sunday at night and that's the only down side. I think it's anxiety about going to work tomorrow, or any Monday for that matter. Now soon will be the new Gov. Crispy.... not sure how he'll kick the shit out of me.... such a struggle... the people of NJ think the State Workers are such a piece of shit... hate to enlighten you.... some of actually really do hard work, like being advocates for the elderly and making sure nursing homes, assisted living facilities, adult medical day care, hospitals and surgie centers etc are doing the right job, keeping you all safe as they and that their not committing fraud. FRAUD?????? Here in NJ... no way that could be happening.
So the work sometimes keeps my mind off my cancer and on the fraudulent status of our state. Wonder if Crispy can actually effect change in this state.... I know he'll get rid of State workers... that will mean taking away services that seem so important to the THOUSANDS OF CONSTITUENTS WHO MAKE REGULAR HEALTH CARE RELATED COMPLAINTS EVERY YEAR. Each year the numbers get higher than the year before ..... Good luck.... the fraud... in government.... politicians, professionals, lawyers, senators, congressmen, councilmen and all the constituents, will keep going. Until that is addressed, no one can help our state.
Peace and good night

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