Thursday, January 21, 2010

later on the big day

So things went' well today.. to a degree.
BP issues are from Celebrex and I can no longer take that.. so migratory joint pain will have to be tolerated to a degree or I have to find something to address that. Not quite ready to get onto narcs just yet.
TUMOR MARKERS ARE DOWN 5 POINTS!!! Don't know why.. but I'm glad.
Celebrex also seems to have done a number on my kidneys... so they're following creatinine closely.
Don't need to see my onco for 2 months. This is a first.... since I was diagnosed in April 2007!!
My cholesterol, which went crazy about a month ago, responded well to Lipitor and my liver enzymes, which were high from chemo etc... are normal...
Good and bad news mixed together... I can try and handle that for a while.
Goodnight world.

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