Tuesday, January 12, 2010

so insomnia strikes again

Here it is half past 12 in the night... again I'm at the computer unable to sleep. I took 1/3 of my sleeping pill so I'll be able to wake up in the morning.
Saw my surgical oncologist today... he agrees with the oncologist to remain off chemo for 2 + more months and get re-scanned. I'm in agreement.. but of course I"m quite scared about this, new areas, albeit small, have shown up.....
I guess there's just some times you have to give it up to the experts. I can't think any more.
I wish I had something in my life, besides my family and friends that was positive.
I hope I can sleep when I return to the bed... it's got to be partially psychological.... I feld tired as could be... then up to bed and NO SLEEP. It really sucks. I hope this will pass.
Peace, Jeanne

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