Tuesday, December 15, 2009

work is trying to kill me before the CA does!

So work is awful.... I love the people I work with now that I'm newly assigned... but the work... it's just crap. Yesterday, I went to this web site... Sarah Palin doesn't know crap (I think) signed a petition to shut that stupid bitch up... it won't work, but it made me feel better. She is against health care reform because she says it will result in DEATH PANELS!!! OMG... we can't even get a HEALTH PANEL for Christ's sake....
She is an idiot and do whatever you can to make her shut the hell up.. she's guiding people from the middle of the country, and maybe Alaska, but I can't imagine they would still trust her to believe in Fairy Tales like the deaths from the Bros. Grimm.
There is a petition at a site... just google sarah palin is full of crap or something like that and write what you feel about that moron.
Well, don't I sound all happy and fuzzy and ready for Christmas.
I'll try and become calm down. 2 days till test results........ still neurotic.. no sleep, achy joints every where, headache and a MF coldsore to boot..... I'm sure I'll be better just getting the results, whatever they may be...
Off to eat 2 xmas cookies and off to and early Ambien sleep... sorry... gotta do it... must sleep sometime... I'm exhausted.

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