Monday, December 14, 2009


Well, only one day... loads of went by fast... having pretty significant insomnia at the moment.... could it be those nasty test results on Thursday? Probably.
So.. let me think of something funny that I experienced today..... ummm.... there were a few, but they are probably old ones...Oh.. I got up..and forgot the bridge was out.. oh no that wasn't funny at all, made me late for work...
ummmm....Oh I know..... Bob Dylan's first christmas CD was just released and they were playing a lot of it in Philly and in NY. .... next thing I'm hearing is, a Bob Dylan impression by Christopher Guest... in Lemmings... hilarious and it especially since Jon and I saw the show in NY in like 1971 or 2.... pre Saturday night live..we had such an interesting night that night.. but the skit on the album was an impression of Bob D by Christopher Guest doing one of those late night album selling sites... now for only $3:95 you can have every protest hit available... plus as a bonus you can have the best of psychedelic music... I was laughing so hard and remembering my teenage years, I had a great time as a kid..Well... gotta sleep... Peace

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