Friday, February 12, 2010

winter chills

I love the winter. I love the cold. I love the wind when it's freezing. I love white blindness on sunny days after the BIG snow. I love watching icicles melt in the sunshine. I love to hear kids playing in the snow. I love thinking about my childhood when the snow was up to my chin. I loved to make tunnels in the snow when I was small. I loved the time we tried to make an igloo, it didn't work, but it was fun. I love the quiet after a big snow storm, no one is out, no cars, sound is stunted by the snow. I love to watch a cardinal flying across the yard when the snow covers everything else. I love coming into the house and getting warmed up with some hot chocolate or some whiskey after being out in the cold.
I love all these things in winter.
But I hate to shovel.

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