Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A month without Dr.s

So, for the first time since I was diagnosed, I had my first Hackensack University Medical Center visit, without having to see my doctor. Being off chemo, "on holiday" for the last 8 months has certainly been nice..... A month free from a conversation with my doctor, although, i love my doctor and love to see and talk to her...for the first time in so long was very weird, but good. Today, I went in and said.. I don't need to see the doc, or have my vital signs taken, or have a finger stick blood test... all I have to do is get my port flushed! It was nice. I went directly back to the infusion center where the lovely chemo nurses I've become so fond of said hi, where have I been, what's been going on...
My nurse Peggy came to flush me... she forgot some tubes for blood tests, had to go get them.. forgot the scrubber for my port site, went to get that... another nurse who cared for me in the past came and got a tattoo update.. she lives in Kearny somewhere, but I have yet to meet her anywhere.... they checked out my tattoos, did the port flush and I said quite calmly after my dear Peggy forgot all her equipment.. don't worry I'm a nurse, I'm self care..... lots of laughs there... nurses said they missed me, always get a good smile and laugh when I'm there.
Sad note, we talked about my dear Susan the midwife I met at Gilda's who died just before the holidays after ceasing treatment. She fought for so many years to stay alive..many chemos.. many treatments. We had some common areas. She was a nurse, a brilliant nurse midwife... really smart and into women's health... I loved her zest for helping women with no means to manage their female health issues. She worked with the poor. Then we talked about Audrey, who died last summer, she was so helpful, like Susan in helping me through the early stages of my cancer diagnosis. I miss them so much.... the team at HUMC also missed them and we talked about their strength and perseverance through many years of treatment, just to keep them alive... not to cure them.
Sound familiar... it's my story, wrapped into 2 other lives... I hope I beat the odds that have gone before me.....
We wish and we pray everyday.

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