Wednesday, July 21, 2010

this is what it is all about

So OK, I"m typing without eyes tonight. I"m gonna reread it and alter to see all the mistakes and try to correct them, but essentially I'm blind. Got no contact's in and can't see a blumming thing.
I"m feeling really stresed out lately and can't figure aout what
hoat exactely what's goin gon,. I anca usually g;iigure out what the stimulus is, but for some reason this is not working out for me this time. I can't sleep, I can't concentrate, and I don't know why. I can usually pinpoint the reason for my lack of sleep. The lack of ability to turn my brain off and sleep, but for naught now. I haven't slept for 3 nights in a full capacity and it's making me crazy. I need sleep and when I know what's up I can work through it, but when I don't know what's up, it's impossible to figure what to do.
I"m stifled and at a loss.... don't know what to do. I do know some issues that are troubling me a bit, but not enough to make me crazy.. maybe I need to rethink that.
confused, J